Off With His Head follows two separate storylines, one in a more traditional high-fantasy kingdom, while the other takes place in a more urban fantasy-inspired kingdom. One is of a member of the royal guard uncovering a plot to usurp the current King, while the other details a confused young woman trying to find her way back home. The stories themselves are largely separate, although the Kingdom's pasts (and possible futures?) are intertwined...
For the high fantasy story, the main character is Kennedy, a young adult who's older brother has defected from the guard to join the revolution, causing her younger brother to become even more loyal to the king. To top matters, she has been recently 'promoted' as the personal guard to the King's newest advisor, The Fox, with new duties that get in the way of her own personal doubts.
For the urban fantasy story, 'Poppy', who used to have a comfortable, if stifling, life back on Earth found herself in the middle of a confusing and hostile city. She has managed to create a small life here, but what little stability she has crumbles when she wakes up one day and discovers she is slowly changing into a bird. Now she is desperate for a way back home, and there are rumors that the head of state is covering up a new discovery that could exactly suit her needs.